English for CPGE

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    On 18/01/2024 from 14:00 at 16:00

    The UK




    Introduction to the UK (history, working of the political ...

  • The Hollywood Strike - PT D

    On 17/01/2024 from 14:00 at 16:00

    VIDEO seen in class:


    1° How do you think AI might change the way movies, shows, and other popular media are made?

    2&d ...

  • Trump's legal challenges - PTSI V

    On 16/01/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00

    Cartoons seen in class:

    cartoon-1.jpeg (48.37 Ko)

    cartoon-2.jpeg (92.5 Ko)

    Homework :

    1) Summarize the following video.

    2) Prepare for ...


    On 16/01/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00

    The UK




    Introduction to the UK (history, working of the political ...

  • Eléments de corrigé pour la synthèse de Gp PTSI D

    On 11/01/2024 from 14:00 at 16:00

    rapport-banque-pt-cb-ptsi-d.pdf (389.64 Ko)

  • Homework PTSI D

    On 11/01/2024 from 14:00 at 16:00

    Analyze the 4 cartoons with the necessary research to understand them

    biden.pdf (1.2 Mo)

    mccarthy-cartoon-2.pdf (2.47 Mo)

    mccarthy-cartoon-3.pdf ...

  • Homework PT V - Australia

    On 11/01/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00

    correction-quiz-australia.pdf (33.82 Ko)

    Videos seen in class:

    HOMEWORK: Prepare the yes and no arguments to The Voice Referenfum. Be ready to debate ...

  • Homework PT D - Australia

    On 10/01/2024 from 14:00 at 16:00

    correction-quiz-australia.pdf (33.82 Ko)

    Videos seen in class:

    HOMEWORK: Prepare the yes and no arguments to The Voice Referenfum. Be ready to debate ...

  • Eléments de corrigé pour la synthèse de Gp PTSI V

    On 09/01/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00

    rapport-banque-pt-cb-ptsi-d.pdf (389.64 Ko)

  • Homework PTSI V

    On 09/01/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00

    Analyze the 4 cartoons with the necessary research to understand them

    biden.pdf (1.2 Mo)

    mccarthy-cartoon-2.pdf (2.47 Mo)

    mccarthy-cartoon-3.pdf ...

  • Docs gun issues PT V

    On 21/12/2023 from 10:00 at 12:00

    Example 1: Maryland


    appeal: appel > to appeal: faire appel

    to overturn: casser/rejeter/annuler (une décision, un ju ...

  • Docs gun issues PT D

    On 20/12/2023 from 14:00 at 16:00

    Example 1: Maryland


    appeal: appel > to appeal: faire appel

    to overturn: casser/rejeter/annuler (une décision, un ju ...

  • Docs gun issues PTSI V

    On 19/12/2023 from 10:00 at 12:00

    Example 1: Maryland


    appeal: appel > to appeal: faire appel

    to overturn: casser/rejeter/annuler (une décision, un ju ...

  • Docs gun issues PTSI D

    On 14/12/2023 from 14:00 at 16:00

    Example 1: Maryland


    appeal: appel > to appeal: faire appel

    to overturn: casser/rejeter/annuler (une décision, un ju ...

  • Eléments de corrigé - DST 2 PT V

    On 14/12/2023 from 10:00 at 12:00

    Cross Contraction:

    Compulsively checking anxiety-producing information, often via social media, aka doomscrolling, is the result of human curiosity ...

  • PTSI Dorian - Eléments de corrigés et sujet de DM

    On 14/12/2023 from 14:00 at 16:00

    Eléments de corrigé de l'exercice de plan de synthèse:

    Exemples de copies de Dorian:

    morlot-hugo-habib-younes-hugo-morlot.pdf ...

  • Eléments de corrigé - DST 2 PT D

    On 13/12/2023 from 14:00 at 16:00

    productions-d-e-le-ve-corrige-dst-2-lvb-pt-d.pdf (73.85 Ko)

    ele-ments-d-analyse-des-sujets-des-essays-dst-2-pt.pdf (22.29 Ko)

  • PTSI Voltaire - Eléments de corrigés et sujet de DM

    On 12/12/2023 from 10:00 at 12:00

    Eléments de corrigé de l'exercice de plan de synthèse:

    Exemples de copies de Dorian:

    morlot-hugo-habib-younes-hugo-morlot.pdf ...

  • Eléments de corrigé de la CO de la semaine dernière - PTSI D

    On 07/12/2023 from 14:00 at 16:00

    What to remember from the video comprehension:

    More than 500 bills restricting the rights of LGBTQ+ people have been introduced across the country ...

  • Débat 4v4 PTSI V

    On 05/12/2023 from 10:00 at 12:00

    Debate topic: 

    We should implement Extreme Risk Protection Orders, aka Red Flag laws