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PTSI V - Méthodologie CC + Cartoon Education
On 24/09/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00
Cartoon semaine du 16/09: cartoon-1.jpg (50.39 Ko)
Cartoons semaine du 30/09: cartoon-23-09.pdf (1.2 Mo)
Méthodologie de la contraction ... -
Documents synthèse PT V
On 19/09/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00
Documents 1 to 3: articles.docx.pdf (123.81 Ko)
Document 4: 4833.jpg (687.09 Ko)
Document 5:dday-2023-hypocrisy.webp (88.83 Ko)
Homework PTSI D
On 19/09/2024 from 14:00 at 16:00
Support material (until 3'15):
To do:
1) Introduction with:
- Catchphrase
- Identification of the key question that is raised by the ... -
Homework PTSI V
On 17/09/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00
Support material (until 3'15):
To do:
1) Introduction with:
- Catchphrase
- Identification of the key question that is raised by the ... -
Documents synthèse PT D
On 17/09/2024 from 14:00 at 16:00
Documents 1 to 3: articles.docx.pdf (123.81 Ko)
Document 4: 4833.jpg (687.09 Ko)
Document 5:dday-2023-hypocrisy.webp (88.83 Ko)
PTSI D - Attendus des exposés
On 12/09/2024 from 14:00 at 16:00
attendus-des-presentations-orales.pdf (73.97 Ko)
PT V - Attendus des exposés & éléments de corrigé de la CC
On 12/09/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00
attendus-des-presentations-orales.pdf (73.97 Ko)
rappel-me-thode-cc-corrige-.pdf (65.35 Ko)
PTSI V - Attendus des exposés
On 10/09/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00
attendus-des-presentations-orales.pdf (73.97 Ko)
PT D - Attendus des exposés & éléments de corrigé de la CC
On 10/09/2024 from 14:00 at 16:00
attendus-des-presentations-orales.pdf (73.97 Ko)
rappel-me-thode-cc-corrige-.pdf (65.35 Ko)
PT D - DST 1 - Sujet & éléments de corrigé
On 03/09/2024 from 13:00 at 16:00
dst-1-lva-pt-d.pdf (1.31 Mo)
elements-de-corrige-dst-1-pt-d-1.pdf (57.73 Ko)
REVISIONS CIVI 1A pour entrée 2A
From 01/07/2024 to 30/08/2024
corrige-quiz-eleve.pdf (80.45 Ko)
introduction-to-the-uk-corrige-quiz.pdf (2.91 Mo)
corrige quiz intro.pdf (39.59 Ko ... -
Eléments de corrigé et homework - PTSI D
On 30/05/2024 from 14:00 at 16:00
Script de la vidéo:
script-1.pdf (56.17 Ko)
Answers to the quiz:
corrige-quiz-eleve.pdf (80.45 Ko)
HOMEWORK (en vue du Concours Blanc ... -
Eléments de corrigé et homework - PTSI V
On 28/05/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00
Réponses aux questions restantes:
Convicts uniform: black and yellow / with arrows to show they're government property / meant to differentiate ... -
Homework PTSI D - Introduction to Australia
On 23/05/2024 from 14:00 at 16:00
With the help of the following vignettes, fill in the exercize on phrasal verbs:
break.pdf (78.01 Ko)
bring.pdf (77.77 Ko)
come.pdf (61.07 ... -
Homework PTSI V - Introduction to Australia
On 21/05/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00
1° Watch the video below and finish filling in the grid:
2° With the help of the following vignettes, fill in the exercize on phrasal v ... -
Planning de préparations aux oraux 2024 - PT V
On 16/05/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00
oraux-anglais-fin-d-annee-voltaire.pdf (33.44 Ko)
Entraînement Méthode CC PTSI D
On 16/05/2024 from 14:00 at 16:00
v-ele-ve-entrai-nement-cc.pdf (72.37 Ko)