English for CPGE

Eléments de corrigé et homework - PTSI V

On 28/05/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00

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Réponses aux questions restantes:

Convicts uniform: black and yellow / with arrows to show they're government property / meant to differentiate them from the free men and to humiliate them


> Reasons for punishment: lazy or unruly

> Punishments:

- Head shaved for women or solitary confinement // For men: flogging, ankle irons, treadmill, solidary confinement in dark dumb cells, sent to more remote penal colonies

Attempts at escaping > wildnerness was deterring and starvation awaited them

Relationship with aboriginals: frequent fights as convicts stole from them

End of sentence: sentenced from 7 years to life but could be freed after 4 years if worked hard enough / either ticket of leave or pardon / could work for themselves and own property / sometimes allowed to leave Australia but rarely went back to England as too costly

End of the penal colonies: From 1788 to 1868, about 165,000 convicts were sent there

Script de la vidéo:

Script 1script-1.pdf (56.17 Ko)

Answers to the quiz:

Corrige quiz elevecorrige-quiz-eleve.pdf (80.45 Ko)

HOMEWORK (en vue du Concours Blanc !!!):

1) Study the end of the quiz.

2) Study the political system and get acquainted with how it works. 

Appendix 1appendix-1.pdf (8.71 Mo)

3) Watch the following video, be ready to summarize it for next class.