English for CPGE

Homework PTSI V - Introduction to Australia

On 21/05/2024 from 10:00 at 12:00

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1° Watch the video below and finish filling in the grid:

2° With the help of the following vignettes, fill in the exercize on phrasal verbs:

Breakbreak.pdf (78.01 Ko)

Bringbring.pdf (77.77 Ko)

Comecome.pdf (61.07 Ko)

Getget.pdf (61.37 Ko)

Givegive.pdf (56.42 Ko)

Gogo.pdf (61.43 Ko)

Keepkeep.pdf (60.56 Ko)

Makemake.pdf (59.29 Ko)

Looklook.pdf (57.32 Ko)

Pickpick.pdf (58.39 Ko)

Putput.pdf (60.88 Ko)

Seesee.pdf (56.63 Ko)

Runrun.pdf (61.37 Ko)

Taketake.pdf (61.79 Ko)

Turnturn.pdf (59.83 Ko)

PS: Don't forget to finalize the Reversed Synthesis (cf.email sent)