View archived events
PT D - Synthèse de groupe pour le 16/11
On 19/10/2022 from 14:00 at 16:00
sujet.pdf (1.28 Mo)
Group 1: Lounès / Camille / Antoine
Group 2: Marius / Félix / Andrély
Group 3: Grégoire / Noé ... -
Exercice de traduction - PTSI V
On 18/10/2022 from 10:00 at 12:00
thème-journalistique-supreme-court.pdf (47.51 Ko)
Additional reading material - PTSI V
On 18/10/2022 from 10:00 at 12:00
guns.pdf (66.69 Ko)
guns-2.pdf (63.04 Ko)
conversion-therapy-additional-reading.pdf (1.01 Mo)
lgbtq.pdf (56.26 Ko ... -
DST 1 PTSI D - Sujet & Eléments de corrigé
On 15/10/2022 from 08:30 at 11:30
dst-1-lvb-ptsi-d.pdf (36.28 Ko)
Sujet LVB - PT V
On 13/10/2022 from 10:00 at 12:00
A faire pour le Mercredi 9 Novembre:
CC: sujet-supreme-court-environment.pdf (52.95 Ko)
Essay: Shoulf state lawmakers have the power to approve, ... -
Buffon PC* US - Introduction to the US political system
On 12/10/2022 from 08:00 at 11:00
Link to the slideshow used in class:
Cliquer ici pour accéder à Introduction to the US Political system
Homework : Read the brief ... -
Sujet LVB - PT D
On 12/10/2022 from 14:00 at 16:00
A faire pour le Mercredi 9 Novembre:
CC: sujet-supreme-court-environment.pdf (52.95 Ko)
Essay: Shoulf state lawmakers have the power to approve, ... -
Méthodologie Synthèse PTSI V - Entraînement n°1
On 11/10/2022 from 10:00 at 12:00
Rappels méthode: (5.61 Mo)
building-a-synthesis.docx (13.25 Ko)
Exercice ... -
Préparation à la Contraction Croisée - PTSI D
On 06/10/2022 from 14:00 at 16:00
DM pour la semaine prochaine:
Contracter le document suivant en 130 mots, plus ou moins 10%. Rappel de la méthode:
- 2 paragraphes maximum
- ... -
Buffon - PC* - Homework
On 05/10/2022 from 08:00 at 11:00
Prepare an oral exam on the X-ENS format on the following video:
Préparation à la Contraction Croisée - PTSI V
On 04/10/2022 from 10:00 at 12:00
DM pour la semaine prochaine:
Contracter le document suivant en 130 mots, plus ou moins 10%. Rappel de la méthode:
- 2 paragraphes maximum
- ... -
Entraînement à l'essay + DM 1 PTSI D
On 29/09/2022 from 14:00 at 16:00
ENTRAINEMENT POUR AUJOURD'HUI (à me déposer dans l'espace de dépôt des devoirs par binôme):
Rappel > regarder ... -
Calendar Oral Presentations PC* Buffon
On 28/09/2022 from 09:00 at 11:00
oral-presentations-buffon.pdf (99.68 Ko)
DM 1 - PTSI Voltaire - Essay
On 27/09/2022 from 10:00 at 12:00
UN SUJET AU CHOIX !!! Et sautez des lignes pour faciliter la correction
Répondez à la question suivante en 200 à 220 mots (minimum ... -
Introduction to SCOTUS - PT V
On 22/09/2022 from 10:00 at 12:00
SCOTUS.pdf (3.42 Mo)
HOMEWORK: Research the landmark Supreme Court case you have been attributed and be ready to present it to the class > Presentation ... -
Gun Control - PTSI D
On 22/09/2022 from 14:00 at 16:00
Document 1: Comment the news
guns-headlines-and-quotes.docx (338.71 Ko)
Document 2: Summarize and REACT ... -
Brochures PC* BUFFON
On 21/09/2022 from 09:00 at 11:00
méthode-texte-d-opinion.pdf (34.85 Ko)
méthode-de-la-synthèse-pc.pdf (691.99 Ko)
synthesis-comparative-table.pdf ... -
Introduction to SCOTUS - PT D
On 21/09/2022 from 14:00 at 16:00
SCOTUS.pdf (3.42 Mo)
HOMEWORK: Research the landmark Supreme Court case you have been attributed and be ready to present it to the class > Presentation ... -
Gun Control - PTSI V
On 20/09/2022 from 10:00 at 12:00
Document 1: REACT
Document 2: Fill in the blanks
20220601-me-its-important-to-pass-and-enforce-red-flag-laws-conservative-magazin-2ra5tijm.mp3 ...