Introduction to SCOTUS - PT V
On 22/09/2022 from 10:00 at 12:00
SCOTUS.pdf (3.42 Mo)
HOMEWORK: Research the landmark Supreme Court case you have been attributed and be ready to present it to the class > Presentation of the initial case (issue), of the Court's ruling (result), of the grounds on which stood the decision and of the impact this ruling had (importance).
Group 1: Jalil / Aya / Killian / Lays > Marbury v. Madison (1803)
Group 2: Estelle / Julien / Clarence / Inès > Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Group 3: Gaspard / Emile / Benjamin / Benjamin > Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)
Group 4: Apolline / Jean-David / Tom / Lucas > Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
Group 5: Mokhmad / Achraf / Louis / Alexandre > Roe v. Wade (1973)
Group 6: Lanusan / Louiza / Aymeric / Timothé > Lawrence v. Texas (2003)
Group 7: Victor / Luka / Yohan / Alexander > Obergefell v. Hodges (2016)