Sports - Lesson 1 - PT V

On 27/01/2022 at 10:00

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  1. International sports events in countries that do not respect human rights should be boycotted

Defense: Adel / Antoine G.

Opposition: Paul / Antoine S.

  1. Athletes should be political

Defense: Maxim / Maxime TD

Opposition: Maxime B / Ranivan

  1. Big money is killing sports.

Defense: Emile / Ahmed

Opposition: Brahim / Robin

  1. Professionalism has killed the ideals of sports.

Defense: Louisa / Héloïse

Opposition: Yacine E / Benjamin C

  1. International sport is warfare without weapons.

Defense: Ethan / Astrid

Opposition: Olivier / Louis

  1. Performance enhancement should be allowed in professional sporting competitions and leagues.

Defense: Jibran / Yacine B

Opposition: Idriss / Clarence

  1. Athletes have a role to play in the current pandemic.

Defense: Corentin / Antoine

Opposition: Noé / Clément

  1. Sportsmen make poor role models.

Defense: Antoine C / Loubna

Opposition: Alexandre / Alexandre

HOMEWORK: Prepare the following article as if it were an oral examination. Focus on how athletes should use their notoriety and research concrete recent examples and controversies to illustrate your commentary.

Black athletes found their voiceblack-athletes-found-their-voice.pdf (38 Ko)


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