English for CPGE

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  • The Environment - PTSI V

    On 20/01/2021 at 08:00

    Off-site (homework for those who are on site):

    poly-2.pdf (1.11 Mo)

    Link to drop both your exercize:

    https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQ ...

  • Education - PT D

    On 20/01/2021 at 14:00

    1) Reading Comprehension 1 - QCM : China's Education Gap

    qcm-china-education-gap.pdf (177.93 Ko)

    2) Reading Comprehension 2 - Homeschool myt ...

  • Capitol, QAnon & Conspiracy - PT V

    On 14/01/2021 at 10:00

    capitol-conspiracy.pdf (108.65 Ko)

    q-anon-capitol.pdf (95.55 Ko)

  • Sujet Offsite PTSI D

    On 14/01/2021 at 14:00

    Synthèse en trinôme pour passage à l'oral au prochain cours:

    trump-environmental-policy.pdf (604.25 Ko)

  • PTSI V - Understanding a Supreme Court Ruling

    On 13/01/2021 at 08:00

    After last week's lesson, you must now understand how the Supreme Court works.

    Here is an example of a famous Supreme Court decision. Read it so ...

  • Capitol, QAnon & Conspiracy - PT D

    On 13/01/2021 at 14:00

    capitol-conspiracy.pdf (108.65 Ko)

    q-anon-capitol.pdf (95.55 Ko)

  • Sujet Offsite PTSI V

    On 13/01/2021 at 08:00

    Synthèse en trinôme pour passage à l'oral au prochain cours:

    trump-environmental-policy.pdf (604.25 Ko)

  • Devoir Vacances PTSI D

    On 07/01/2021 at 14:00

    culture-generale-ptsi-d.pdf (44.66 Ko)

  • DM Vacances PT V

    On 07/01/2021 at 10:00

    Key question:

    Why reform the US Supreme Court?

    synthese-supreme-court.pdf (1.19 Mo)

  • Conspiracy Theories - PT V

    On 07/01/2021 at 10:00

    articles-the-new-conspiracy-theorists.pdf (142.44 Ko)

  • The Stakes of Reforming the Supreme Court - PTSI D

    On 07/01/2021 at 14:00

    1) Understanding the working of the Supreme Court

    Script: script-video-1.pdf (69.09 Ko)

    The Structure of the US Supreme Court today:&nb ...

  • Conspiracy Theories - PT D

    On 06/01/2021 at 14:00

    articles-the-new-conspiracy-theorists.pdf (142.44 Ko)

  • Corrigé PTSI V DST Synthèse

    On 06/01/2021 at 08:00


    lv-a-2020-pt.pdf (443.91 Ko)

    Rapport du jury avec éléments de correction et de méthode:

    rapport-jury-lva-2020.pdf ...

  • The Stakes of Reforming the Supreme Court - PTSI V

    On 06/01/2021 at 08:00

    1) Understanding the working of the Supreme Court

    Script: script-video-1.pdf (69.09 Ko)

    The Structure of the US Supreme Court today:&nb ...

  • Devoir Vacances PTSI V

    On 06/01/2021 at 08:00

    culture-generale-ptsi-v-.pdf (56.61 Ko)

  • DM Vacances PT D

    On 06/01/2021 at 14:00

    Key question:

    Why reform the US Supreme Court?

    synthese-supreme-court.pdf (1.19 Mo)

  • Ireland - Lesson 2 - PTSI V

    On 04/01/2021 at 10:00

    1) The Northern Irish Protocol (cf. doc in class)

    2) cartoons-violence-northern-ireland.pdf (903.41 Ko)

    3) Fill in the blanks


    1) ...

  • Vidéos PT V

    On 17/12/2020 at 10:00

    how-brexit-is-affected-by-covid.pdf (102.18 Ko)

  • Sujet synthèse guidée PTSI V

    On 16/12/2020 at 08:00

    sujet-synthese-extra.pdf (1.5 Mo)


    1) )Ne pas réduire le sujet à « Covid- 19 et le port du masque obligatoire ...

  • Vidéos PT D

    On 15/12/2020 at 14:00

    how-brexit-is-affected-by-covid.pdf (102.18 Ko)