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  • Olympics and Human Rights - PTSI V

    On 29/03/2022 at 10:00


    1) Compare the arguments (for and against) between the 1936 and the 2022 Olympics possible boycott debates. Then compare the arguments ...

  • Sports - Lesson 2 - PTSI D

    On 17/03/2022 at 14:00



    1) #NoJusticeNoLebron

    > Research the context of this tweet and explain what was going on. Why do you think ...

  • Sports - Lesson 2 - PTSI V

    On 15/03/2022 at 10:00



    1) #NoJusticeNoLebron

    > Research the context of this tweet and explain what was going on. Why do you think ...

  • Corrigé DST LVB PT V

    On 01/03/2022 at 13:30

    corrige-lvb4.pdf (72.76 Ko)

  • Sports - Lesson 1 - PTSI D

    On 17/02/2022 at 14:00


    International sports events in countries that do not respect human rights should be boycotted

    Defense: Kogulram / Hector / ...

  • From Berlin to Beijing - Corrigé PT V

    On 17/02/2022 at 10:00

    olympic-boycotts-worksheet-elements-de-corrige-.pdf (85.95 Ko)

  • From Berlin to Beijing - Corrigé PT D

    On 16/02/2022 at 14:00

    olympic-boycotts-worksheet-elements-de-corrige-.pdf (85.95 Ko)

  • Eléments de corrigé du DST LVA PT D

    On 16/02/2022 at 14:00

    who-owns-culture-sujet.pdf (3.91 Mo)

    who-owns-culture-e-le-ments-de-corrige-.pdf (54.31 Ko)

  • Sports - Lesson 1 - PTSI V

    On 15/02/2022 at 10:00


    International sports events in countries that do not respect human rights should be boycotted

    Defense: Benjamin / Louis


  • Olympics and Human Rights - PT V

    On 10/02/2022 at 10:00

    Introductory video:


    1) Compare the arguments (for and against) between the 1936 and the 2022 Olympics possible boycott debates. Then ...

  • Eléments de corrigé de la synthèse de groupe PTSI D + video homework

    On 10/02/2022 at 14:00

    ele-ments-de-corrige-de-la-synthe-se.pdf (57.49 Ko)

  • Fin de la séance précédente - PTSI D

    On 09/02/2022 from 14:00 at 16:00

    Debriefing of the previous sessions:

    - Correction of the last question on the image of the monarchy

    - Correction of the reasons for canceling the ...

  • Olympics and Human Rights - PT D

    On 09/02/2022 at 14:00

    Introductory video:


    1) Compare the arguments (for and against) between the 1936 and the 2022 Olympics possible boycott debates. Then ...

  • Eléments de corrigé de la synthèse de groupe PTSI V

    On 08/02/2022 at 10:00

    ele-ments-de-corrige-de-la-synthe-se.pdf (57.49 Ko)

  • Documents de synthèse PTSI D

    On 03/02/2022 at 14:00

    cartoons-violence-northern-ireland-1.pdf (903.41 Ko)

    articles-synthe-se.pdf (166.66 Ko)


    1) Dawoud / Arthur / Hector / Hugo

    2) Solal ...

  • Sports - Lesson 2 - PT V

    On 03/02/2022 at 10:00

    Document 1: cartoons.pdf (7.52 Mo)

    Document 2:

    Document 3: should-athletes-take-a-stand-on-social-issues-a-historical-perspective.pdf ...

  • Sports - Lesson 2 - PT D

    On 02/02/2022 at 14:00

    Document 1: cartoons.pdf (7.52 Mo)

    Document 2:

    Document 3: should-athletes-take-a-stand-on-social-issues-a-historical-perspective.pdf ...

  • Documents de synthèse PTSI V

    On 01/02/2022 at 10:00

    cartoons-violence-northern-ireland-1.pdf (903.41 Ko)

    articles-synthe-se.pdf (166.66 Ko)


    1) Guilloux / Hammouti / Alangarom / Aissani ...

  • Homework PTSI D

    On 27/01/2022 at 14:00

    reading-comprehension.pdf (79.1 Ko)

  • Sports - Lesson 1 - PT V

    On 27/01/2022 at 10:00


    International sports events in countries that do not respect human rights should be boycotted

    Defense: Adel / Antoine G.
