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PTSI V - Travail sur la méthodologie de l'essay
On 03/10/2023 from 10:00 at 12:00
STEP 1: LIRE LA METHODE DE L'ESSAY et les attentes grâce à la grille de notation
Document support:
brochure-de-travail-de-la-me ... -
PTSI D - 28/09
On 28/09/2023 from 14:00 at 16:00
5 phrases de thème grammatical à préparer:
11. Plus un navire est âgé, plus les risques d’accidents se mult ... -
Point de Grammaire PT V: Exercice + Corrigé + Fiche de langue
On 28/09/2023 from 10:00 at 12:00
2-as-et-like.pdf (55.06 Ko)
Exposés en 1A: les attentes
On 28/09/2023 from 14:00 at 16:00
oral-presentations-consignes-et-grille-d-evaluation.pdf (70.81 Ko)
Point de Grammaire PT D: Exercice + Corrigé + Fiche de langue
On 27/09/2023 from 14:00 at 16:00
2-as-et-like.pdf (55.06 Ko)
Exposés en 1A: les attentes
On 26/09/2023 from 10:00 at 12:00
oral-presentations-consignes-et-grille-d-evaluation.pdf (70.81 Ko)
PTSI V - Méthode oraux Part 1
On 26/09/2023 from 10:00 at 12:00
Opening cartoons:
cartoon-culture-wars.pdf (433.75 Ko)
Audio document:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
... -
Intro to the US - PTSI D
On 14/09/2023 from 14:00 at 16:00
doc-1-training-colle-1.pdf (2.11 Mo)
worksheet-activity-1.pdf (514.57 Ko)
quiz-introduction-to-the-usa.pdf (305.63 Ko) > corrige--1.pdf (39.59 ... -
Intro to the US - PTSI V
On 12/09/2023 from 10:00 at 12:00
: doc-1-training-colle-1.pdf (2.11 Mo)
worksheet-activity-1.pdf (514.57 Ko)
quiz-introduction-to-the-usa.pdf (305.63 Ko) > corrige--1.pdf ... -
Eléments de réflexion DST 1 PT D
On 09/09/2023 from 08:30 at 11:30
dst-1-pt-d-lva.pdf (980.85 Ko)
ele-ments-de-corrige-dst-1-pt-d.pdf (26.81 Ko)
Eléments de corrigé DST 1 PT V
On 08/09/2023 from 13:00 at 16:00
dst-1-pt-v.docx (220.17 Ko)
Eléments de corrigé: proposition-de-corrige-pt-v.pdf (27.51 Ko)
Eléments de correction du concours blanc - PTSI V
On 20/06/2023 from 10:00 at 12:00
rapport-lva-banque-pt-2022.pdf (6.92 Mo)
Eléments de correction du concours blanc - PTSI D
On 15/06/2023 from 14:00 at 16:00
rapport-lva-banque-pt-2022.pdf (6.92 Mo)