English for CPGE

A symbolic crisis - PT V

On 01/12/2022 from 10:00 at 12:00

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Question 1:

Life of elisabeth ii chappatteStudents take off queen picture 1students-take-off-queen-picture-1.pdf (73.5 Ko)

Using the cartoon and the article, explain what is at stake with the Queen's heritage, between fairytale and cancelling.

Question 2: One student in each group of 3 must be able to synthetise their file, all dealing with a different aspect of the symbolic crisis suffered by England after the passing of Queen Elisabeth II:

Gp 1 the queen s legacygp-1-the-queen-s-legacy.pdf (45.38 Ko)

Gp 2 the challenges of the past reigngp-2-the-challenges-of-the-past-reign.pdf (2.33 Mo)

Gp 3 the chllange of successiongp-3-the-chllange-of-succession.pdf (227.22 Ko)